African Renaissance University Institute

Center of excellence for teaching and research for future leaders in Central Africa

Center of excellence for teaching and research for future leaders in Central Africa.

Preservation and Transmission of Africa’s Collective Memory
Préservation et transmission de la mémoire collective de l’Afrique. Note explicative pour le programme international de bourses de doctorat/ PhD « Heritage & Innovations »

Our schools

 The in the various schools will be expanded as and when the variety of research topics research topics.
Master’s and Doctorate/PhD courses will be offered in four (04) of the following schools Institut Universitaire de la Renaissance Africaine (IURA)

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Happy Graduate
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Global Teachers

Why should you choose
to study with us?

We encourage state and private companies in Cameroon,
Africa and abroad to to award Master’s and Doctorate/PhD scholarships
for solid innovations based on a thousand years of and the legacy of other world civilizations.

Universities and companies Partner

« Africa and the Africans: from the Earth of Humanity to the 21st Century Renaissance... »
Prince Kum'a Ndumbe III
Prof. Dr. Dr. phil. habil. Emeritus
Fondateur, AfricAvenir International
IURA - Institut Universitaire de la Renaissance Africaine

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