Gratuate School of Science, Technology and Innovation

African scientific heritage and contemporary innovations

Presentation of our courses & Sectors

African scientific heritage and contemporary innovations

Core curriculum

  • African and diaspora scientists and inventors and their contribution to technical and technological development (choice of ancient or contemporary periods)
  • African mathematics in ancient times
  • African architecture, geometry and algebra in ancient times (case examples: Egypt, Carthage, Mali, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Benin City, etc.)
  • Physics and chemistry in ancient Africa
  • The principle of technology transfer and its impact on development and innovation in African countries
  • The deep-rooted sources of African ancestral medicine and contemporary innovation (the pharmaceutical industry, endogenous healing methods and the economic challenges of public health)
  • Nature and its fruits (the land, fishing resources, etc.) in the lives of African peoples before foreign penetration: conservation techniques and methods
  • The challenges of virtual technologies in Africa’s development strategy

Miscellaneous engineering: state-of-the-art in African countries, new inventions and inter – African synergy in the following fields (by way of example):

  • Information technology
  • Transport (road, sea, air)
  • Automotive industry
  • Railway industry
  • Shipbuilding
  • Aeronautics industry
  • Armaments industry
  • Communications industry
  • Mining industry
  • Medical industry
  • Food industry
  • Clothing industry
  • Solar energy and its future
  • Fossil fuels and their future
  • Alternative sustainable energy sources

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African scientific heritage and contemporary innovations

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